DRPN DONUTS Blueberry 30ML Vape Liquid
Blueberry E-Liquid by DRPN Donuts
A true Blueberry glazed donut with savoury goodness. With a 60% VG base you can expect both excellent flavor and excellent vapor production.
“The blueberry is awesome! Not a chemical flavor it just tastes like fresh berries, a very natural flavor”
DRPN Donuts Blue 30ml e-liquid
http://e-liquidvapeshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/DRPN-Donuts-Blueberry-Donut.jpg http://e-liquidvapeshop.com/product/drpn-donuts-blue-30ml-e-liquid/ e-Liquid-Vape-Shop | Buy E-Liquids and Vaping E-Juice
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